Archive | coaching soccer

Understanding the 4-3-3 Formation

The 4-3-3 consists of a typical back line of 4 fullbacks, three central midfielders, and three strikers. This formation is designed to provide a lot of variety in the attack while gaining control of the central midfield. The 4-3-3 works well for teams who have a good defensive central midfielder who has a lot of […]

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Understanding the 4-4-2 Formation

The 4-4-2 formation is the most commonly used formation in soccer.  It’s consists of four defenders (a typical back line of fullbacks), four midfielders, and two strikers. The 4-4-2 works well whether a team is interested in attacking or defending, based on the situation. The roles of central midfielders and fullbacks vary depending on how much […]

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Breaking Down the 4-2-3-1 Formation

As long as the sport of soccer has been in existence, opposing coaches are always searching for new ways to gain an advantage. Strategic player positioning on the field, or formation-experimentation, is one of the areas that has been exploited the most. You would expect that everything that could be known about team player formations […]

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Learning to Dictate the Tempo of Play

The pace of a game can be dictated by several things. Teams without possession can dictate tempo by applying pressure on the player with the ball. This can cause the player to lose the ball or make quick movements to evade this pressure. If pressure is continuously applied, then the team in possession may move […]

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Timing Runs & Off The Ball Running

Since soccer is about running and knowing that movement creates movement, a player should always be willing to run into positions which threaten the opponents’ goal, even when the odds are against him receiving the ball. He will then cause havoc for the defense which will make things easier for his team­mates. When attacking, running […]

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Coaching Goalkeepers to Successfully Stop Shots

In order to protect his goal from direct shots, a goalkeeper needs excellent reflexes. With a good handling technique  keeper should be capable of stopping most shots. However, careful positioning and anticipation will reduce the number of shots in the first place. Young players take time to develop this anticipation, but there are universal goal-keeping […]

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Learn How To Coach Tackling

If a player wants to take a ball away from an opponent, the way to do it is through good tackling. Great defensive skills will help, but good positioning might be even more important. Good tacklers always adhere to certain fundamental rules – 1) They always mark so that they’re between their own goal and […]

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